Monday, September 6, 2010

REWIND...only the HIGHLIGHT of my spring season...AMERICAN IDOL CASEY JAMES

How did I forget this?! It's a long story but so worth the read...if you ask me! hehe! Here goes...Who watched american idol season 9?! If you did...I know you noticed the little hottie Casey James! Well, its a small world. Turns out my little Addison goes to kindergarten with Lyndi Poynter. She happens to be Casey's cousin! Lyndi lives just down the street from us and her mother and I are good friends. How cool that their cousin is on IDOL!? I get the hairbrain idea to dress the kids in MVB and send them with signs in the audience...Lyndi's mom, Sara had told me they were going to see him live on the show. I had to hook them up and get MVB some publicity on national TV! I called corporate MVB and a box was sent to my house with lots of outfits for them to choose from. Then...I have another friend that owns Crestview Printing...called him and asked if he could make us some signs for the kids to hold up at the show. I made a trip down to the print shop and helped design the fun! They were set. It was a shot in the dark...would they even let them bring in the signs? if they did, would the signs even be seen on tv? They did and they were!!! SCORE!!! Next...even more fun...I try to pull together a watch party and have this huge event for fans to come to. Well, turns out...Casey's cousin is already planning one, so I hop on his bandwagon and start helping him plan! FOX 4 will be there...and MVB! I contacted corporate and my print shop friend AGAIN...this time for t-shirts! I got to design with the print shop again! MVB decided to give away outfits to the first 50 girls to show up at our watch party AND a $500 shopping spree to one lucky winner! The watch party ended up being a hit...over 250 people attended. WAIT...IT GETS BETTER...the next night is the vote off. Sadly Casey gets the boot, BUT check out the video...THAT'S LYNDI! And...THAT IS AN MVB OUTFIT I PROVIDED HER! WooHoo! All and all...tons of press for MVB and Casey ended up #3...not to shabby! Can't wait to purchase his know I have a secret crush! shhhh!




  1. Sara Poynter mamieonthego@hotmail.comSeptember 7, 2010 at 7:12 AM

    AWESOME!!! I hadn't seen your pictures. I LOVE the one of Jessica so eagerly texting on her knees has to see how many she can get in at rapid speed. Very cute picture of you and Brenda and AUnt Debbie.

  2. Just saw your site! I love all the little boys dress shirts they are so cute!!!!

  3. Thanks! Wait till spring comes out! Our designer designed even more boys clothingj!! Exciting!!!
